
Powerful Message

I see homeless people everywhere here everyday, and I always say a blessing for them, and I always wish that I was in a better position to help them. I understand that some of them don't want help, but there are some that do. I wish that I could give them the kind of help they need, like education, or the tools that they need to get themselves out of the situation they are in.

I hope that someday everyone has the chance to give something to a homeless person, and I don't mean just money, they need more than money, they need education, understanding, and people who can teach them how to manage their situations better.

May all the Gods and Goddesses bless each homeless person, and give them hope to keep them going.

Lyrics to Under Pressure
Umm boom bah day
umm boom bah bay
umm bah boom bah bay day

Pressure, pushing down on me
Pressing down on you, no man asks for
Under Pressure

That burns a building down
Splits a family in two
Puts people on streets

Umm bah bah bay
Umm bah bah bay
Ea day da
Ea day da
That's okay!

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out
Pray tomorrow takes me higher
Pressure on people
People on streets

Day day day
Umm... Buh da bah bah bah

Chippin' around
Kick my brains 'round the floor
These are the days
It never rains but it pours

Ea doe bay dup
Ea da doe bah bup
Ea doe bup
Bay lup

People on streets
Ea da dea da day
People on streets
Ea da dea da dea da dea da...

It's the terror of knowing
What this world is about
Watching some good friends
Screaming let me out
Pray tomorrow takes me higher-higher-high...

Pressure on people
People on streets

Turned away from it all
Like a blind man
Sat on the fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with love
But it's so slashed and torn
(Why, why, whhhhhyyyy??)
Love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking
Can't we give ourselves one more chance?
Why can't we give love that one more chance?
Why can't we give love give love give love?
Give love give love give love give love give love

Cause love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care
For the people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way
Of caring about ourselves

This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure


I have a solution to all your meditation problems, well ok so it works for me, and I really hope that it will work for you.

I have tried all forms of meditation, guided meditation, un-guided, listening to meditation cd's, reading about how to meditate, they are all great resources, but my problem is that I can't seem to get my mind to be still and be quiet.

When I start meditating I find that I am fighting a losing battle with my mind by trying to keep it focused on being still. It's frustrating and annoying and I eventually just give up and go do whatever it is my mind kept thinking about.

So I tried something different the other day, and the result was very interesting, instead of trying to keep my mind still and quiet, I simply allowed it to roam where it wanted, but I did slow it down considerably by examining each thought as it came along.

Let me explain a bit more, I was sitting there with my meditation music playing, my insence burning, and total quiet throughout the house. I told myself that this was going to be a different type of meditation and that I was going to examine each thought that came up, and see why it was that my mind decided to show me that.

So I sat there and the first thought that came up was one of the projects that I have set aside lately, I thought that I really should get busy and get it finished, but then I wanted to examine that a bit more so I started trying to remember why it was I had set it aside in the first place. Was I missing something that it needed like a ribbon, button, or some sort of other embellishment? No that wasn't it, turns out I am not as skilled in that craft as I would like to be and I had reached a point in that project where I really needed to figure out how I wanted proceed with it in order for it to look like it should. I began examining ways that could I complete the project, like if I were to sew here, or cut there, or maybe fold this way or that, the wedding dress for my daughter might turn out better than expected.

Before I knew it I had been sitting there thinking about this one project for an hour. I had been able to make my mind be still and focus on one thing long enough to figure out a possible solution to a problem that I hadn't even acknowledged yet.

That I found was very therapuetic in itself, and I have since begun to do this on a daily basis, and I have found that my mind always knows just what to bring up first.

As for my daughter's wedding dress, now the only problem I am having in completing it is finding the time to work on the solutions that I came up with. :)

If you try this and it works please come back and let me know, I am very interested in the results that you will get from it.

Alright if you can make it work for yourself, I will have to develop it more and teach it in my Witch Craft 101 classes. So please come back and let me know how it works for you.

Blessed Be,


Invocation Pele

Pele is the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, lightening, dance, and volcanoes. Invoke her to tend your internal flame.

Aloha! Pele!

Come and be with us.

Come and be with us as we invoke your power and protection. From you we learn of the power of creation and destruction, and how both are necessary for the continuation of life. You show us how new life is born from new land.

From you we learn the power of acceptance of your will. We learn how to accept the changes we are given knowing that new opportunities arise out of new circumstances, if only we are aware and ready to take advantage of them.

From you we learn the power of anger released. We learn the power of our anger unleashed, and how it can destroy everything in our path, guilty and innocent alike. We ask you for the wisdom to use our anger constructively, and to release it, today, into your hot water.

From you we learn the power of patience. The power of the sleeping volcano. The power of waiting. We learn that patience can replace anger. That patience can prevent anger. That patience can release anger.

Help us to release the anger we have stored inside us. Help us to release it into your hot water warmed from the center of the earth. Help us to ground ourselves in your energy, the molten lava energy of the very center of the Earth.
Help us to not harm others with our anger, and help us not to harm ourselves with our anger, understanding that words are powerful, and never meaningless, and that those we lover, as well as ourselves, are harmed by unnecessary anger unleashed uncontrolled.

Help us to find the patience and understanding to not rage at small things. Help us to find the wisdom to deal with our righteous anger with compassion, not hatred.

Help us to release our anger harmlessly, as we feel your Earth power flowing through us.


United We Stand!

I saw a poster in a store window the other day that looked similart to this one, and i must have been in a very strange mood because the first thing that came into my head was, what exactly are you united for? My next thought was I haven't seen any unity in this country since I was in grade school, so how can people claim to be united?

The way I see it, there is no unity and there hasn't been for a very long time.

I am not at all political, in fact I don't really understand most of what is going on in politics. I listen to some of the candidates that are running for local offices and if I agree with what they are saying I vote for them. If not I move on to the next candidate. Honestly it's all very confusing and I am a busy person and I don't have the time it will take to learn it all over again.

But still I do watch, I watch the stupid mudslinging, the greed, and the lies that are being told. Politicians will lie just to get you to vote them into office, and once they are in, their response to those are reminding them of their promises, is it's just not doable at this time, but I will work on getting what I promised done. BS I say, you never meant to do any of it. You were just saying what you thought I wanted to hear.

My thoughts on it all are, politicians should be housewives, or housemen. They should not be paid outrageous salaries, they should get minimum wage, and have work their butts off like the rest of us.

Ok back to the United We Stand thing, which sort of ties into the political thing, because if our government can't unite themselves how are the rest of us going to unite?

The war in Iraq has created much unrest for many people, and yet people are still sporting the United We Stand posters, bumper stickers, etc all over the place. I just don't understand how we can call ourselves united about anything.

I realize this is just a bunch of garbbled sentenaces, and non of it makes much sense, but I felt the strong need to write about this, so strong a need I created a reminder on my phone that won't shut up until I have completed this. To quote a great friend "I needed my minute, So there it is!"


Grounding & Centering

There are literally thousands of techniques, and answers as to how and why to ground & center yourself, which tells me that there is no right or wrong way to do it, you should find the way and the reason that best suits you.

For me, grounding & centering is a way for me to focus my mind, body, and spirit, on the task that I have to complete, be it a ritual, a spell, or just relaxation from a stressful day or situation.

I have a different technique for each different situation, for a ritual I will either take a cleansing bath, or I will use a smudge stick and starting at my feet I will wind the stick around myself so that the smoke can touch me. Passing the smudge stick from hand to hand, right across the front, left across the back. Once I reach my head I will close my eyes and hold my breath and continue with passing the smudge stick from hand to hand. All the while I am either chanting, or focusing on the task I am about to complete.

For spellwork, I will use the Tree method, and I will sit with my back against a tree and within arms length I will put the tip of my athame into the ground on my right, my staff or a stick that I have found in the ground on the left, and set a cup or bowl of water in front of me. I will lay my head against the tree and listen to the branch's and leaves sway in the wind, or I will focus on listening for the sap flowing through the heart of the tree. When I have felt the life energy of the tree I will begin to tell the tree about my spellwork, why I am doing it, what I expect to get out of it, and any details that I feel I may need help with, when I am fully focused on my spellwork I will remove my staff, then my athame, and slowly rise and pour the water at the base of the tree in thanks.

For stress, I will do a similar tree ritual, or I will use a stone that I have found in a creek, on the beach of the ocean, or on a nature walk. I will hold the stone in my hand and imagine what it is like to be a stone, no cares, no worries, but lots of stories to tell. I will tell the stone one of my own stories, either about the stress that I have been feeling or about something totally off the wall like something silly that I remember from childhood. The stone will listen with no judgement or opinions, and when I am done I will gently wash the stone getting rid of any stories that I don't want it to keep. The stone is then placed in it's royal blue bed (for water) upon my altar until I need it again.

So you see, there are many different ways to ground and center, and many different techniques. To find yours start by asking yourself these questions, and answering them honestly.

1. What is grounding?
2. Why do I need to ground myself?
3. Is there a place that I have been or seen where I feel calm and at peace?
4. When I am in that place what do I do? Do I examine the surroundings? Do I listen to the sounds?
5. How do I feel when I leave that place?
6. What is centering?
7. Why do I need to center myself?
8. How can I bring my mind to focus on the present?
9. Can I use visualization techniques, or do I need physical objects to direct my focus?
10. When should I use the grounding & centering technique that I have just written?

...Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in
silence. As far as possible without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons. Speak
your truth quietly and clearly and listen to
others. They, too, have their story. Be
yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of
all aridity and disenchantment, it is as
perennial as the grass....nurture strength of
spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle
with yourself. You are a child of the
universe...the universe is unfolding as it
should. Therefore, be at peace with God...in
the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with
your soul. Go in peace.
Anonymous benediction


Parting With A Familiar

1 purple candle
1 pet treat
1 black ribbon
1 white ribbon
1 piece of cloth
1 favorite pet toy
sprigs of fresh mint

Wrap the treat, toy, and mint in the cloth and tie it closed with both ribbons. Hold the bundle to your heart and remember your familiar at their happiest time. Light the candle and say: The time has come for me to say farewell to you my dear friend. I will cherish every moment we shared together. Our spirits will one day be together again, but for now it is time for you to go to the Summerland, where you can run free in the fields, and hills, and ponds that await you. Playful companions will fill your days with fun and happiness until our spirits meet again. Blessed be my dear friend.

Allow the candle to burn out, and when you are ready bury the bundle in your yard, garden or your familiars favorite place outside.


Afterlife Hex

Just for the heck of it! :)
Afterlife Hex.
Crush charcoal to make coal dust add black salt (use sea salt and add black food coloring, or add sea salt to cast iron skillet scrapings) & goofer dust (graveyard dirt, salt, sulfur or gun powder or as close as you can get to either one). carve a purple candle with the targets name and any other identifying things you can think of. expose the wick at the bottom of the candle then roll in the powder mixture you made, set candle upside down on a plate and burn it. remove all jewelry, loosen hair and clothing pull up all your rage and anger and stick 100 pins into the candle. Now scream, shout and curse as much as you can. when your done, take the all the remnants including the plate and leave them at the grave.
Your anger and rage will torment the target for eternity!


Constance McMillen's Prom

I can't believe these people. Sign the petition I did.
Prom Shocker: Constance McMillan Invited to Fake Event; Other Students Attend Secret Prom
April 6, 2010 4:00PM
Michael Cole

We’ve been following Itawamba student Constance McMillan’s struggle to attend prom with her girlfriend and wear the clothes of her choosing. A court decided her school was wrong to deny her attendance but stopped short of ordering them to hold the prom. So parents and private citizens offered to put on the prom, but details of that prom were mysterious and Constance wasn’t invited. Then it was reported that the mystery prom had been cancelled, but that another prom would be held at a country club in nearby Fulton, MS; Constance was invited and would be going to this prom. It took place this past Friday and was attended by exactly seven students – Constance, her date and five others, plus some teachers and the principal as chaperones. How could this be? Quite simply and horribly, the event at the country club was a ‘fake’ prom and all the other students attended the ‘real’ prom at another location.

HRC’s Candace Gingrich-Jones penned an op-ed in the Huffington Post on the subject writing:

I am sure your jaw dropped to the floor as mine did when I read the news. According to Constance, two of the five other attendees had learning difficulties – also apparently not worthy of the ‘good’ prom. There is so much going on here it’s hard to find a place to start figuring out how something so unconscionable could happen – but I will start with the students. We know young people can be cruel (ever seen the film “Mean Girls”?). Homophobia and harassment of LGBT youth in schools often runs rampant – GLSEN’s 2007 school climate survey found that 9 out of 10 LGBT students were harassed in the previous year. We also know it isn’t just queer kids but anyone who is different faces the wrath of others as we sadly learned last week when Phoebe Prince, an Irish immigrant high school student in Massachusetts, took her own life after being mercilessly harassed and bullied as the ‘new girl’. Knowing this, it is not a stretch to think that Itawamba students would be totally fine with attending a secret prom while fellow ‘different’ students were sent to a fake one.

Today the Human Rights Campaign launched a petition to the Itawamba County School Board condemning their irresponsible actions. We’re also sending the school board “Welcoming Schools” – a resource for school administrators who want to strengthen their schools by preventing gender stereotyping and bullying. Add your name to the list!

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Ostara Ritual

Ostara is about the balance of nature, so use bright colors or baby animals to decorate your altar.
You will need: yellow candle, green candle, purple candle, bowl of milk, bowl of honey.

Start this ritual in the early morning when the sun is just coming up.
Cast your circle as usual. Then begin by lighting the green candle and say:
The wheel of the year turns once more, and the vernal equinox arrives.
Light and dark are equal, and the soil begins to change.
The Earth awakes from her slumber, and new life springs forth once more.

Light the yellow candle and say:
The Sun draws ever closer to us, greeting the Earth with it's welcoming rays.
Light and dark are equal, and the sky fills with light and warmth.
The Sun warms the land beneath our fee, and gives life to all in it's path. 

Light purple candle and say:
Spring has come and I thank the [God/Goddess] for all it has to offer me.

Mix milk and honey together and pour on the ground around your circle saying:
I make this offering to the Earth as thanks for the many blessings I have received, and those I will receive in the days to come. 

Spell work should be Blessing new projects, or blessing new tools, this is a great sabbat to buy and bless a new broom to sweep away negativity.

Open circle as usual and begin the feast.

Feast ideas:
Deviled Eggs

Ambrosia Peep Salad
1 pkg peeps
1 can mandarin oranges
1 can pineapple tidbits
1 jar of cherries
2 chopped bananas
1/2 cup shredded coconut
8 oz tub of cottage cheese
4 oz tub of whip cream

Drain all fruits, mix everything together and chill for 3 hours. Serve after your ritual.

Naturally Colored Eggs
Boil your eggs for about 9 or ten minutes (from the time the water started rolling).
Use a crayon to draw pentacles on your eggs, then drop them into a bowl of cranberry juice, or frozen blueberries that have been thawed, let them sit in the juice until the desired color is reached. Either hide them for children to find, or give them as gifts.


Irish Charms

Shamrock Trinity
As a charm the shamrock was linked with the lunar goddes, each leaf representing one of her aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. In Irish legend it also represented the "triple key," a magickal union between the god and goddess that creates abundance, fertility and prosperity on the earth. Using any of these Irish charms will help you to tap into the legendary "luck of the Irish," famous all over the world.

The shamrock is a fertility charm that encourages excellent health, riches and good luck. Worn as jewelry, painted onto touchstones, or carried as a medal, the shamrock can be charged by holding it up to the Moon and turning it around clockwise three full rotations.

Many Irish charms create and energetic link between the wearer and the country by attracting vibrations that have their roots in Irish stories and beliefs. If you do not know much about the country it would be a good idea to read about the culture and mythological roots of Ireland before trying to harness its magick.

Irish Blessing
Spirits of Eire, spirits of green, lend me your luck and let it be seen.

Irish charms come in a variety of styles from tokens blessed by leprechauns and fairies to the more earthly Celtic Crosses, harps, touchstones, and snakes.

Sidhe Charmes
In Ireland Sidhe charms (prounounced "she") are still respected for their powerful magick. Use these to attract their blessings.

The leprechaun charm is most often made of gold and worn as a pendant or on a charm bracelet. Charge the charm at midday by passing it through a gold candle flame and then some soil. Don't take your eyes off the charm while you charge it or its magick will be gone.

Silver or flint arrowheads are believed to be blessed by the fairies and can be worn, or hidden in the home to repel misfortune. While these items can easily be bought just about anywhere, if you get the chance you might want to look for one on your own, there are plenty of places where they can be found just do a little research to find the best places. This way your good luck token will be even more infused with the luck of the land.

Celtic Cross
An equal-armed cross surrounded by a circle represents the four elements with spirit at the center. Often painted or carved onto the side of buildings as a protective amulet, it can also be worn as a pendant or a brooch.

The harp is a symbol of the bard, a magickal Celtic storyteller in Druidic Ireland. As a charm it encourages fluent, articulate speech and the power of persuasion, also known as the "gift of gab".

The secually explicit sheela-na-gig is found in many Irish churches. Hung above a door it promotes a peaceful, safe environment or can be worn by women to boost creativity, secuality and empowerment.

Worry Stone
Throughout the southwest of Ireland smooth round pebbles are used as worry stones. These charms keep your worst fears from becoming reality. Keep one in your pocket and rub it with the pad of your thumb whenever you fee anxious. You can use any type of smooth, small stone that you find, be it from the shores of the sea or along a trail in the woods.

According to legend St. Patrick banished all adders from Ireland and now there are no snakes left on the entire island. In fact Druids were known as adders in Celtic Ireland, and now Irish Druids use snakes as charms. The snake charm represents earth energy and healing.

Burglers and theives were once kept away by a weapon known as a shillelagh. Resembling a large pipe-shaped club, the shillelagh is often decorated with ribbons and shamrocks. Kept Behind the front door, it wards off criminals and bad luck. Today's version of the shillelagh might be the baseball bat or hockey stick kept somewhere close to ward off intruders.