
Grounding & Centering

There are literally thousands of techniques, and answers as to how and why to ground & center yourself, which tells me that there is no right or wrong way to do it, you should find the way and the reason that best suits you.

For me, grounding & centering is a way for me to focus my mind, body, and spirit, on the task that I have to complete, be it a ritual, a spell, or just relaxation from a stressful day or situation.

I have a different technique for each different situation, for a ritual I will either take a cleansing bath, or I will use a smudge stick and starting at my feet I will wind the stick around myself so that the smoke can touch me. Passing the smudge stick from hand to hand, right across the front, left across the back. Once I reach my head I will close my eyes and hold my breath and continue with passing the smudge stick from hand to hand. All the while I am either chanting, or focusing on the task I am about to complete.

For spellwork, I will use the Tree method, and I will sit with my back against a tree and within arms length I will put the tip of my athame into the ground on my right, my staff or a stick that I have found in the ground on the left, and set a cup or bowl of water in front of me. I will lay my head against the tree and listen to the branch's and leaves sway in the wind, or I will focus on listening for the sap flowing through the heart of the tree. When I have felt the life energy of the tree I will begin to tell the tree about my spellwork, why I am doing it, what I expect to get out of it, and any details that I feel I may need help with, when I am fully focused on my spellwork I will remove my staff, then my athame, and slowly rise and pour the water at the base of the tree in thanks.

For stress, I will do a similar tree ritual, or I will use a stone that I have found in a creek, on the beach of the ocean, or on a nature walk. I will hold the stone in my hand and imagine what it is like to be a stone, no cares, no worries, but lots of stories to tell. I will tell the stone one of my own stories, either about the stress that I have been feeling or about something totally off the wall like something silly that I remember from childhood. The stone will listen with no judgement or opinions, and when I am done I will gently wash the stone getting rid of any stories that I don't want it to keep. The stone is then placed in it's royal blue bed (for water) upon my altar until I need it again.

So you see, there are many different ways to ground and center, and many different techniques. To find yours start by asking yourself these questions, and answering them honestly.

1. What is grounding?
2. Why do I need to ground myself?
3. Is there a place that I have been or seen where I feel calm and at peace?
4. When I am in that place what do I do? Do I examine the surroundings? Do I listen to the sounds?
5. How do I feel when I leave that place?
6. What is centering?
7. Why do I need to center myself?
8. How can I bring my mind to focus on the present?
9. Can I use visualization techniques, or do I need physical objects to direct my focus?
10. When should I use the grounding & centering technique that I have just written?

...Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in
silence. As far as possible without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons. Speak
your truth quietly and clearly and listen to
others. They, too, have their story. Be
yourself. Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of
all aridity and disenchantment, it is as
perennial as the grass....nurture strength of
spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle
with yourself. You are a child of the
universe...the universe is unfolding as it
should. Therefore, be at peace with God...in
the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with
your soul. Go in peace.
Anonymous benediction

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