
I have a solution to all your meditation problems, well ok so it works for me, and I really hope that it will work for you.

I have tried all forms of meditation, guided meditation, un-guided, listening to meditation cd's, reading about how to meditate, they are all great resources, but my problem is that I can't seem to get my mind to be still and be quiet.

When I start meditating I find that I am fighting a losing battle with my mind by trying to keep it focused on being still. It's frustrating and annoying and I eventually just give up and go do whatever it is my mind kept thinking about.

So I tried something different the other day, and the result was very interesting, instead of trying to keep my mind still and quiet, I simply allowed it to roam where it wanted, but I did slow it down considerably by examining each thought as it came along.

Let me explain a bit more, I was sitting there with my meditation music playing, my insence burning, and total quiet throughout the house. I told myself that this was going to be a different type of meditation and that I was going to examine each thought that came up, and see why it was that my mind decided to show me that.

So I sat there and the first thought that came up was one of the projects that I have set aside lately, I thought that I really should get busy and get it finished, but then I wanted to examine that a bit more so I started trying to remember why it was I had set it aside in the first place. Was I missing something that it needed like a ribbon, button, or some sort of other embellishment? No that wasn't it, turns out I am not as skilled in that craft as I would like to be and I had reached a point in that project where I really needed to figure out how I wanted proceed with it in order for it to look like it should. I began examining ways that could I complete the project, like if I were to sew here, or cut there, or maybe fold this way or that, the wedding dress for my daughter might turn out better than expected.

Before I knew it I had been sitting there thinking about this one project for an hour. I had been able to make my mind be still and focus on one thing long enough to figure out a possible solution to a problem that I hadn't even acknowledged yet.

That I found was very therapuetic in itself, and I have since begun to do this on a daily basis, and I have found that my mind always knows just what to bring up first.

As for my daughter's wedding dress, now the only problem I am having in completing it is finding the time to work on the solutions that I came up with. :)

If you try this and it works please come back and let me know, I am very interested in the results that you will get from it.

Alright if you can make it work for yourself, I will have to develop it more and teach it in my Witch Craft 101 classes. So please come back and let me know how it works for you.

Blessed Be,

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