
Invocation Pele

Pele is the Hawaiian Goddess of Fire, lightening, dance, and volcanoes. Invoke her to tend your internal flame.

Aloha! Pele!

Come and be with us.

Come and be with us as we invoke your power and protection. From you we learn of the power of creation and destruction, and how both are necessary for the continuation of life. You show us how new life is born from new land.

From you we learn the power of acceptance of your will. We learn how to accept the changes we are given knowing that new opportunities arise out of new circumstances, if only we are aware and ready to take advantage of them.

From you we learn the power of anger released. We learn the power of our anger unleashed, and how it can destroy everything in our path, guilty and innocent alike. We ask you for the wisdom to use our anger constructively, and to release it, today, into your hot water.

From you we learn the power of patience. The power of the sleeping volcano. The power of waiting. We learn that patience can replace anger. That patience can prevent anger. That patience can release anger.

Help us to release the anger we have stored inside us. Help us to release it into your hot water warmed from the center of the earth. Help us to ground ourselves in your energy, the molten lava energy of the very center of the Earth.
Help us to not harm others with our anger, and help us not to harm ourselves with our anger, understanding that words are powerful, and never meaningless, and that those we lover, as well as ourselves, are harmed by unnecessary anger unleashed uncontrolled.

Help us to find the patience and understanding to not rage at small things. Help us to find the wisdom to deal with our righteous anger with compassion, not hatred.

Help us to release our anger harmlessly, as we feel your Earth power flowing through us.

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