
Home made dry shampoo

I am going to try this. I have long hair and sometimes it just isn't feasible to wash it because it takes hours for it to dry. Having dry shampoo will help. 

Step 1: What you'll need:
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder - unsweetened - optional for dark hair only
  • a paper funnel
  • a container to store it in
  • measuring spoons

Step 2: The basic recipe
Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl making sure the cocoa powder isn't making the mixture too dark, the heat from your hands can make the cocoa powder into a sticky mess. Use the funnel to spoon into a small jar for storage. 

Step 3: How to use it
  • Shake a small amount of dry shampoo out into your hand about 1/2 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon
  • Rub your hands together to coat them in the mixture
  • Pat the areas of your that you want to shampoo - mostly the scalp area
  • Rub your fingers around on your scalp and through your hair massaging the shampoo in
  • Brush out any excess, and bend over and shake your hair out if needed

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