

Oak and Ash Trees
February 18 - March 17
June 10 - July 7

Do not take friendship for granted. Consider your loyalty towards those close to you, who may need your support now. Acknowledge the help of others and you will all benefit from your alliances.

The Ash tree is the "Tree of Life,: and its winged seeds, called keys, represent the key to universal understanding. The tree is also believed to cure warts: prick the tree with a pin then use the pin to cross the warts three times saying, "Ash tree, ashen tree, pray buy this wart off me," and put the pin back in the tree. Hopefully, the warts will swiftly disappear!

The slow-growing oak is known as the "King of the Forest." With its huge height and wide girth, the tree represents strength, courage and wisdom. The Druids revered the tree and held meetings in oak groves. In the Ogham alphabet, the word "duir," which means door is linked to the oak and links the tree as the doorway to knowledge and wisdom. The oak tree is also linked to the Summer Solstice - its wood fueled the sacred Midsummer fires.

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