

Yew Tree
No Calendar Association

Every challenge holds a lesson for you that will strengthen your resolve and help you to hone your skills. Enemies are teachers in disquise, so do not waste energy opposing individuals. Instead, ask yourself what you need to learn in order to move on.

Yew symbolizes death and rebirth in Celtic tradition. The branches of this unusual tree grow into the ground and, when the central trunk dies, the tree lives on as the branches grow into new trees. Celtic leaders were buried under yews, perhaps to symbolize their eventual rebirth in the next life.


Home made dry shampoo

I am going to try this. I have long hair and sometimes it just isn't feasible to wash it because it takes hours for it to dry. Having dry shampoo will help. 

Step 1: What you'll need:
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder - unsweetened - optional for dark hair only
  • a paper funnel
  • a container to store it in
  • measuring spoons

Step 2: The basic recipe
Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl making sure the cocoa powder isn't making the mixture too dark, the heat from your hands can make the cocoa powder into a sticky mess. Use the funnel to spoon into a small jar for storage. 

Step 3: How to use it
  • Shake a small amount of dry shampoo out into your hand about 1/2 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon
  • Rub your hands together to coat them in the mixture
  • Pat the areas of your that you want to shampoo - mostly the scalp area
  • Rub your fingers around on your scalp and through your hair massaging the shampoo in
  • Brush out any excess, and bend over and shake your hair out if needed



Oak and Ash Trees
February 18 - March 17
June 10 - July 7

Do not take friendship for granted. Consider your loyalty towards those close to you, who may need your support now. Acknowledge the help of others and you will all benefit from your alliances.

The Ash tree is the "Tree of Life,: and its winged seeds, called keys, represent the key to universal understanding. The tree is also believed to cure warts: prick the tree with a pin then use the pin to cross the warts three times saying, "Ash tree, ashen tree, pray buy this wart off me," and put the pin back in the tree. Hopefully, the warts will swiftly disappear!

The slow-growing oak is known as the "King of the Forest." With its huge height and wide girth, the tree represents strength, courage and wisdom. The Druids revered the tree and held meetings in oak groves. In the Ogham alphabet, the word "duir," which means door is linked to the oak and links the tree as the doorway to knowledge and wisdom. The oak tree is also linked to the Summer Solstice - its wood fueled the sacred Midsummer fires.


Wunjo or Wynn

Wunjo or Wynn
Ash Tree
February 18 - March 17

Appreciate the love and laughter in your life and make time to value the ordinary things that make you happy. Live fully in the present and celebrate being alive!

The Ash tree is the "Tree of Life,: and its winged seeds, called keys, represent the key to universal understanding. The tree is also believed to cure warts: prick the tree with a pin then use the pin to cross the warts three times saying, "Ash tree, ashen tree, pray buy this wart off me," and put the pin back in the tree. Hopefully, the warts will swiftly disappear!



Alder Tree
March 18 - April 14


Now is the time for stillness and reflection, to clarify your dreams, review past truimphs and challenges and listen to your inner guidance. Do not be afraid of inaction; instead, use this period to renew your energy and plan ahead. 

In Welsh mythology, the alder fought in the front line of the "Battle of the Trees" against the Underworld. When cut, its wood turns from white to red as though it is bleeding. Growing near water, the tree has feminine associations, yet its links to war also indicate masculinity. The alder, therefore, speaks of balancing masculine and feminine.

The alder was part of the legendary battalion of trees that fought against dark forces.


Balance Chant

As within, so without
My harmony exists throughout.
I am one with both these worlds,
Within the two my spirit twirls.



Oak Tree
June 10 - July 17

You are protected by spirit. Stay true to your ideals and listen to your heart for your dreams are within reach. Proceed with humility and use your power for the greatest good.

The slow-growing oak is known as the "King of the Forest." With its huge height and wide girth, the tree represents strength, courage and wisdom. The Druids revered the tree and held meetings in oak groves. In the Ogham alphabet, the word "duir," which means door is linked to the oak and links the tree as the doorway to knowledge and wisdom. The oak tree is also linked to the Summer Solstice - its wood fueled the sacred Midsummer fires.


Birch Tree
December 24 - Jan 20
This rune is auspicious when contemplating new ventures. Now is the time to begin projects. Spring clean your home and make way for fresh energy to inspire you.

The Birch Tree is often known as the "Lady of the Woods, "and signifies new beginnings, an association springing from the fact it is the first tree to grow back after a forest has been burned. The birch also sheds its bark, which suggests further links to renewal, as the old and worn-out is released to make way for the new. Traditionally, couples used to marry by jumping over a birch twig brush to symbolize their new beginning together. The Celtic calendar starts the new year with he month of the Birch Moon, signifying a time of renewal.