
How the Pope stole Christmas


Historians say that early Christian leaders like Pope Gregory the Great were 
responsible for appropriating pagan traditions and using them for Christian holidays.

Inspired by past blogs the ULC has written about pagan traditions being co-opted by Christian missionaries, ULC Minister Cindy Armstrong submitted the following guest sermon as a commentary on the history of the Christmas season. All ULC Ministers are invited to contribute their own sermons for consideration/publication. To submit a sermon, please email it to sermons@ulc.org.

Once in ol’ England, both ancient and vast,
Lived folks with traditions, long held and steadfast.
They danced and they sang when winter was nigh,
Under the stars, beneath the cold sky.

The solstice was coming, the shortest of days,

They prepared for the feast in so many ways.
With holly and ivy, they decked every hall,
And a Yule log was burned, a tree once so tall.

But just West of Rome, sat a man robed in white,

Pope Greg, in his Vatican… was his hat too tight?
For he pondered and prayed with his furrowed brow,
"How can we bring these pagans to vow? VOW! VOW! VOW! VOW!

"To our faith, to our fold, in the Christ Child believe,

And their old pagan ways they must surely leave."
So he plotted and planned, found a few saints to send,
“We must change their tradition, Saturnalia must end!

Shouting, "Let us take over this pagan delight,

And make it about the Holy Birth Night.
We'll infuse their rituals with our good Christian grace,
And Christ's Mass will slowly take the solstice's place."

So it happened o’er time, to the pagans' surprise,
Their meals and their dances became Christianized.
Their feasting was now for the Christ Child's birth,
And their parties lost some of their ol’ heathen mirth.

Where Odin once rode ‘cross the sky on Sleipnir,
Soon Saint Nicholas would soar, with eight tiny reindeer.
All the mistletoe, holly, ham, trees, and wassails,
Would all stick around, though the Pope’s plan prevails.

For the people adapted, they bent and they swayed,
But the essence of joy in their hearts, it still stayed.
They embraced the new faith, yet remembered the old,
In the stories they recounted, both spirited and bold.

Pope Greg had succeeded, but maybe not as he planned,
For the spirit of solstice in their hearts still fanned.
The magic of yule, it forever remained,
Hiding inside the message that Christmas contained.

And so, my dear reader, has our tale closed?
Is babe Jesus the victor, to reign unopposed?
Or could his day be stolen out from under his manger?
As Jeff Bezos circles… is “Christmas” still in danger?

Perhaps the real lesson is that the season’s so large,
That there is no need to leave just one group in charge.
For the joy and the love, in each heart does reside,
No matter the reason, or the faith that's applied.

We hold one goal in common, or at least we should,
And that dream is just: to do that which is good.
So we’ll wrap up our poem, though last but not least:
Who sitting here will carve the roast beast?


Yule Songs

I have some variations of the Xmas songs you're hearing on the radio these days. Not sure where I got them from so if you know please let me know and I'll give credit.

Silent Night

Silent night, Solstice night
All is calm, all is bright,
Nature slumbers in forest and glen
Till springtime she wakens again. 
Sleeping spirits grow strong!
Sleeping spirits grow strong!

Silent night, Solstice night
Silver moon shining bright
Snowfall blankets the slumbering earth
Yule fires welcome the Sun's rebirth
Hark the light is reborn!

Silent night Solstice night
Quiet rest till the light
Turning ever the rolling wheel
Brings the spring to comfort and heal
Rest your spirit in peace!
Rest your spirit in peace!

Lady Moon Shines Softly
(O Little Town of Bethlehem)

Lady moon shines softly down
To light the earth below, 
As we, her children gather here 
Around the yule fires glow.

We wait for morning's dawning, 
First light of holy birth,
Our Lady turns the wheel of life, 
Her son returns to earth. 

With Joy we'll greet his dawning, 
A new year has begun,
With increased light is bright new hope
Reborn in every one.

We wait for morning's dawning, 
First light of holy birth,
Our Lady turns the wheel of life, 
Her Son returns to earth 

Good Rest, Ye Merry Gentle Folk

Good rest, ye merry gentle folk
Let nothing you dismay
Remember that the sun returns
Upon this Solstice day
The growing dark is ended now
And spring is on its way

O' tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O' tidings of comfort and joy

The winter's worst still lies ahead, 
Fierce tempest, snow and rain.
Beneath the blanket on the ground
The spark of life remains.
The suns warm rays caress the seeds 
To raise life's songs again.

O' tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O' tidings of comfort and joy

So rest ye merry gentle folk
Let nothing you dismay
Remember that the sun's reborn 
Upon this solstice day
To cheer us all with warmth and light 
And summer's golden rays. 

O' tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
O' tidings of comfort and joy

Joy To The World
Joy to the World the light is reborn
Let earth her gladness sing let every heart 
rejoice in light

And earth and nature sing
And earth and nature sing
And earth, and earth and nature sing

Joy to the world the light has come
Let earth receive the Sun
Let every heart prepare for warmth

And earth and nature sing
And earth and nature sing
And earth, and earth and nature sing

We light the yule fire to call the sun
The sun brings light and life
Let every voice sing out in praise

And earth and nature sing
And earth and nature sing
And earth, and earth and nature sing


Book of Shadows

 I just want to put a note here about your book of shadows. Which in some peoples opinions should be the first thing you do when beginning you're pagan journey. Honestly, it wasn't my first thing, it didn't come until after I'd read several books and talked to a whole coven of people about it. Basically I was doing research about whether I wanted to take my spiritual journey into paganism. Turns out it suited me much better than any of the mainstream religions did. 

Anyway, your book of shadows, it can be anything you have really. I first used a loose leaf notebook and that was perfect as I was able to arrange my pages the way I wanted them. I still use that book all the time but mostly for spells, rituals, chants and things like that. 

I have a few other books I use one is leather bound and holds all my research notes, things about my chosen deities. Things about Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year. It does have some spells, and rituals, chants and recipes that I wanted to keep. But this is also my journal. Where I jot down things that are personal to me in my pagan journey. 

I have another that I use as well, I call it my Kitchen Witchery book. I keep recipes that I use here. Things like how to make dry shampoo, or how to make some potpourri. It's full of a variety of recipes I have found useful. 

So what I'm saying is your BOS is your own. Make it from whatever you want, or have on hand. No need to spend lots of money on an ornate book. I do strongly suggest using the loose leaf method at first, it's so helpful. 

13 Goals of a Witch ~ What They Mean To Me

1. Know Yourself - Seems simple right? Not so much, when I started getting to know myself I began to realize most of what I did on a daily basis I did because someone else asked me to or because my job required it of me. When I started meditating #12 on this first goal I began to realize that I didn't really know myself all that much after all. I knew the person everyone around me wanted to know, which actually was several different versions of myself.

For my family I was the black sheep misfit, who could never get anything in her life to work to her advantage, and I played that part to a tee. For friends I was the knowledgeable advice giver who could help them get through some pretty tough times. For myself and my partner I was yet a different person.

I finally starting looking at each of my selves individually and merging them into one self that I could really like and enjoy, and that is knowing yourself.

2. Know your Craft - This one can be just as complicated as the first one, and you may find yourself doing a lot of reading and learning for this goal. I can tell you it is all worth it. I am a practicing Witch for 21 years, and I am proud to say I know a bit about each pagan tradition. I don't know enough to give you histories on them or to name them and tell you what they believe, but I do know enough to distinguish one from the other and to know which one I prefer over the others. I am by no means an expert on anything pagan or wiccan, but I can give you my opinion on the subjects, what you do with my opinion is up to you.

3. Learn - Pretty much goes with both one and two above. To know yourself and your Craft you have to learn about both of them. Learn something new everyday, anything, just one thing but learn it, you don't have to become an expert at it, just learn what it is, how it works, why it is, just learn something.

4. Apply knowledge with wisdom - This is my first favorite. With doing #3 you gain knowledge, with knowledge comes wisdom, with wisdom comes enlightenment. This goal simply means use the knowledge you have gained from learning wisely.

5. Achieve Balance - In my opinion this is where you balance material and spiritual life. To do this you should first recognize what you can control and what you can't. Choose to control those things so that you don't feel overwhelmed. Accept the things you cannot change and find a way to work through them. Meditation can be a big help here. 

6. Keep your thoughts in good order - Don't think bad thoughts, or negative thoughts. This is crucial to your well being really. With mental health being so important this goal can be vital to some. Whenever you find yourself thinking bad things, or negative things change your situation as quickly as you can. Do things like meditate, find a hobby you enjoy and engage in it. Distract yourself with something that makes you happy. 

7. Keep your words in good order - Don't speak ill of people, especially people you don't know. You have no idea what they are going through, and I'd not wish their troubles on anyone as it may be a terrible situation. You may be going through some things that are tough or uncomfortable, change what you can, and work on what you can't. But speaking ill of people who are having troubles is not fair to them or you. 

8. Celebrate Life - Celebrate being alive, celebrate being able to live, love, laugh. Dance! Have you ever seen an unhappy person dancing? I haven't and I suspect it's because unhappy people don't dance. Make the most every opportunity and share you joy with others. 

9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth - This can be done in a few different ways. Communing with nature, or meditating outside and feeling the nature around you. These things should be done once a season I think. Learn how you feel each time you go out into nature. What fascinates you? What do you find beautiful about nature? Make notes in your journal or BOS of these observations, as a reminder of your attunement. 

10. Breathe and eat correctly - Breath correctly, I bet you're wondering about this one. Well it's simple, its taking a breath and counting to 10 when you're anxious, or distressed. It's taking a deep breath to calm your excitement. Eating correctly can be tricky since heathly eating means different things to each person. But I firmly believe that you should eat what you like in moderation of course if it's twinkies lol. But eat what makes you happy. Good food should make you want to do a jig, and go on do the jig lol you'll be happy you did. 

11. Exercise the body - Everyone needs exercise, to stay healthy, to keep you're muscles from becoming stiff and making it hard to move around. This can seem difficult in a busy life, but there are small ways to get your exercise in daily. Things like doing leg lifts while sitting for long periods. Or doing toe lifts if standing for long periods. These things work different muscles, I'm not and expert if you want more info and ways to get in small exercises in during your day. Another benefit to exercise is you really do feel better. You have more energy throughout your day and it can give you a happy disposition. 

12. Meditate - I've been told by several people that this is difficult for them because they can't seem to quiet their mind long enough to meditate. I have a post here somewhere about meditation techniques if you're interested. But my basic advice is to start by sitting in a quiet place, put on some soothing music if you like. Light some scented candles, and sit so that you're comfortable. On the floor, in an overstuffed chair or couch. It doesn't really matter. Next find an object that has piqued your interest. A figurine, a picture, or a spot on the wall. Anything will do. Now that you are comfortable start by examining the object you chose closely, notice it's beauty, it's flaws, contours, shadows it makes, etc. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Well done, you've just meditated! Keep doing this for a few minutes longer every couple of weeks. When you've reached your preferred meditation time just stick to that time limit. Set a timer, if you want. It's possible you will eventually stop needing an object to focus on and can just sit and quiet your mind without any help. It's also possible that you will continue to need the objects to meditate, this is just fine. It's all about you, don't let anyone tell you that you HAVE to do it a certain way. It's your meditation, do it how you like. Just a note, I like to use tarot cards, and runes as my objects to focus on. Happy meditating!

13. Honor the Goddess and the God - Have you ever thought about what you believe? Who do you pray to? Do you pray or invoke a Goddess or God? Which one(s)? Do they have certain attributes that they are known for? Do they have certain holidays in their honor? Are there rites or ceremonies that are specific to them? How do you honor them now? I have read everything I can find about the Goddess that I believe takes care of me. I'm more of a Celtic witch so I pray and honor Brigid, and her counterpart Bres. I honor them equally since I believe to do is to have balance. 

These are printed in Scott Cunningham's book "Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner" when I first read this years ago I wrote them in my BOS and had intended on working on these throughout my initiate phase so that I would be a good practicing Witch. I didn't actually get to these until years later which was actually as it should have been because I was more mature and able to take each goal and really put some thought into it. 

If you'd like to discuss these goals leave me a note. I love a great discussion and enjoy getting another person's perspective on things.