
Prayer for Guidance

The spirits of the mountain exist in strength.
Their roots are deep in the Earth, their heads pierce the air and mount to the sky above.
They dance from flat to peak and, spiraling descend again.
Good Ones, when I come under your trees and upon your stones, guide me.
~Ceisiwr Serith~

Blessing for the Natural World

May we live more wisely within our overlapping ecosystems.
May we cherish anew the wonder of clean waters and fresh winds.
May we more wisely tend and respect the animals and plants that nourish us.
May the sacred fires of Beltane guide us into new paths of hope.
~Kathleen Jenks~

All I Am

All I am and all I'll be is really simply up to me.
Each day provides a blank new page, 
A beginning clean of life and age.
And how I live my life today~ in work, in magick, and in play~
Will color what my life shall be, and rebirth a brand new me.
~Dorothy Morrison~

Meal Blessing

Blessed be the Earth for giving birth to this food,
Blessed the Sun for nourishing it,
Blessed be the Wind for carrying its seed,
Blessed be the Rain for quenching its thirst.

Blessed be the hands that helped to grow this food,
To bring it to our tables,
To nourish our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Blessed be our friends, our families, and our loved ones.

Blessed Be!

Meal Blessing

The table round contains the Earth
and thus becomes the Mother.
We Share Her Bounty in this hour
and bless and love each other.
So mote it be.

Harvest Blessing

Thank you for this
Thank you for this day on Earth Ancient Mother who gave me birth.
Healing Mother who keeps me strong.
Crone Mother who brings each new dawn.

Thank you for the gift of being.
For blessing me with the wonders of seeing,
for the sounds and feeling of laughter
and the wisdom learned through pain.
Spirit Mother bless me, tomorrow with a day again.