
Parting With A Familiar

1 purple candle
1 pet treat
1 black ribbon
1 white ribbon
1 piece of cloth
1 favorite pet toy
sprigs of fresh mint

Wrap the treat, toy, and mint in the cloth and tie it closed with both ribbons. Hold the bundle to your heart and remember your familiar at their happiest time. Light the candle and say: The time has come for me to say farewell to you my dear friend. I will cherish every moment we shared together. Our spirits will one day be together again, but for now it is time for you to go to the Summerland, where you can run free in the fields, and hills, and ponds that await you. Playful companions will fill your days with fun and happiness until our spirits meet again. Blessed be my dear friend.

Allow the candle to burn out, and when you are ready bury the bundle in your yard, garden or your familiars favorite place outside.